Wednesday 7 November 2007

Test Dates

Hiya, just to let you know that we have the date for Patricks eye tests and blood tests. We're taking him to Southampton on 29th November so we'll not have any new news until the end of the month. Patrick is still amazing us every day with his strength, he actually managed to hold his bottle the other day which was a great achievement. His seizures aren't too bad at the moment although they seem to be creeping up in strength and number again so were keeping a close eye (nothing new there!).

Thank you for all your support, we have received several kind messages that really mean a lot. We are coping quite well really under the circumstances, we are still able to stay positive and are carrying on as normal. We're not in denial, we have fully accepted what may lie ahead but we're taking each day as it comes and today Patrick is doing OK so we're OK, if that makes sence.

For those who gave Patrick money for his christening, I have bought some fun things for him. He now has a new musical vibrating rocking chair, a giant multi coloured bean bag to nap on and a soft foam play mat so thank you very much. Our lounge now looks like an indoor play centre but who cares?!

Anyway, I'll leave it there as Patrick is sitting on my lap waiting for the next chocolate button, he's not impressed at the long wait between each one as Mummy is distracted!

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