Friday 23 January 2009

A Change For The Better?


I've been putting off writing this blog entry for fear of jinxing things but as this blog is supposed to be an honest account of Patrick's progress hear goes...

Patrick has not had a seizure for 8 days.

There I said it and am currently running round the house touching all the wooden furniture (damn this laminate cheap stuff!). This is a really significant change for Patrick as up until 8 days ago he was still having at least 6 seizures a day, they had changed slightly recently and we thought they were getting a little worse so to have them suddenly stop completely is very strange. There has been no change in any of his medication since the beginning of November so we are stumped as to why they should suddenly stop.
We have also seen a significant improvement in Patrick's concentration and his awareness of his surroundings, he has started to show an interest in his toys, whereas before he would simply ignore them and look away. He had a Portage session yesterday and he worked so hard, copied us banging his drum and laughed at the toys and the silly faces we made. Up until now it has been quite hard to get a smile out of him without being hands on with tickling him but now he will watch his brother Isaac running around being a loon and thinks it's really funny, a real joy for all of us especially Isaac as he tries so hard to make Patrick happy and loves this new positive response.

So it would seem for now that Patrick has turned a corner and you would think that we would be overjoyed, we are of course amazed and thrilled at the sudden progress he is making but with any change comes a new fear, the fear of the unknown. All the while he was having lots of seizures a day we knew what we were dealing with, knew the signs to look for and when he was most likely to fit and we were very laid back about it all. Now there are no seizures we don't know what to think. It is possible that Patrick can outgrow his epilepsy although we have always been told that it is highly unlikely as his epilepsy is so severe, it is also possible that Patrick's epilepsy has just changed. We may now see less seizures but when they happen they may be a lot worse than he is used to which poses more risk. So as you can see, although for now it is good news that he hasn't had any seizures, until we can establish why this is, we are extremely nervous and worried about what happens next.

We have been waiting for an EEG scan since November and I have tried chasing this up, that should hopefully tell us a bit more but I guess we have to just wait and see where things go from here. Keep everything crossed and I will update if there is any change or information.

I am now off the wheelchair clinic to get a bigger buggy for him, he's outgrown his one already in only 6 months!

Lots of Love, Gemma xx

1 comment:

kevin said...

Have a great day on thursday!!!!!

All our love... Great Uncle Kevin, Nadine, Michael, andrew and Bradley
