Monday 21 January 2008

All is well...

Hiya, Just a quick note to let you know that things are still fairly calm and that Patrick is still doing really well. He is still having these 'jerks' about 2-3 episodes a day but they are not distressing for him or harmful.
His development is still coming along nicely and he is always rolling around the floor now, he can now roll all the way from his back onto his front which is amazing. We just need to work on building up his arm muscles as they are still too weak for him to hold his weight. He is extremely vocal and getting louder and louder, he is currently laying on the floor screaming at the top of his voice, he's not unhappy, far from it, he's just making sure we know he's here.
Patrick's physio session went well last week and both the Physio therapist and Occupational therapist could see a definite improvement since before Xmas. They managed to get him strapped into a 'stander' which was a strange contraption that actually takes all his weight and holds him upright in a standing position. This was pretty strange as I'm only used to seeing Patrick laying down or sitting, for 11 months old he's actually really tall. Hopefully after he's had a few more practises in the stander at his physio sessions we might be able to have one at home for him.
We had a great week last week, we went for a meal out for my birthday. It was the first time we'd all been out as a family (my Mum and Step dad Ian came too). We took Patrick's hi-lo chair with us so he could join us at the table (he can't use a standard high chair) and had a really nice time.
On Friday night we actually had my Mum babysit and Martin and I went out for dinner with Martin's brother John and his wife Lesley. This was a milestone for us as we've never left Patrick before but as he is the most stable he's been and my Mum has been so involved with Patrick anyway we were able to relax and have a nice evening. (in fact the last time we went out without the kids was my birthday last year!)
Isaac's schedule has got a lot more hectic as we've booked him a course of swimming lessons and he's joined the Bransgore Under 6 football team so he's pleased about that.

That's about it for now really I'm gonna post a load of photo's that I've taken on my new camera, and hopefully some video of Patrick if I can get it to work.

Take Care, Hope every one is well.
ps. I would just like to point out that although it may look like I am bouncing his face on the floor, it is in fact a padded mat and he isn't actually touching it very much. No Patricks were hurt during the making of this video. Please also excuse the TV volume in the background. Martin (Director - available for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and happy slappings)

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