Saturday 19 July 2008

Tired Bunny....

It's been another long and very tiring week. Patrick has come down with yet another bad cough that has really knocked him out, he's not eating or drinking well and what he does manage to take in 9 times out of 10 comes straight back out so he's pretty low on energy. We took him over to Poole for his hydro-therapy but he was so sleepy that we actually managed to get him undressed and in the pool without waking him up, he just wasn't having any of it so they let him float about for 5 mins then got him out, of course as soon as we laid him down to get him dressed he was wide awake! We then had to take him straight for his hip xray which didn't go too well. They laid him on a couch and undressed him which was fine, then they lifted him and placed a thick wooden board under his back, as soon as they put him down he screamed. He really did cry which made me freak out a bit as Patrick just does not cry unless he is serious pain. The nurses all thought he was just a bit upset by the process and I had to convince them there must have been something that hurt him because I haven't heard him cry for months. They eventually decided that it must have just been the hard board hurting his back so they found some foam to put down to cushion it a bit and he was ok. We've got an appointment with Patrick's Paediatrician in a couple of weeks so I guess we'll get the xray results then.

We braved the rain on Thursdays to support Isaac at his first school sports day. It's not quite the same these days now that it's all non-competitive, they make it more of a team event now, loads of different activities with just one straight running race thrown in at the end. Isaac did very well though, his team won overall and he came 4th in his race.

On Friday we took Patrick over to Poole again, this time for his normal physio, unfortunately when we got there we were told that we should have been informed the session had been cancelled as his physio was off and his OT was nursing a bad shoulder so couldn't work on his exercises. Thankfully it wasn't a completely waisted journey, they let us use the sensory room and they fitted him with his arm splints. For someone who always has his arms bent at the elbow and loves to chew his hands he's actually taken to the splints very well and hasn't moaned at all. They are made of a soft material that is strong enough to keep his arm straight but flexible enough not to restrict him when he's fitting. We're just using them one at a time during the day, hopefully it will be enough to loosen his muscles a bit.

That's about it for this week, Isaac breaks up from school on Tuesday so hopefully the weather will start picking up a bit for the summer. We have heard back from the family fund and they have agreed to pay for Patrick's rain cover which is brilliant as we only posted the forms off on Wednesday!

We'll I'm off to put the poorly little man in bed and hopefully he'll have a peaceful, cough free night.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Sorry 'bout spoiling your tea! *grin* Thank you SO much for the sweet note...sometimes I worry more about Toby & Bristel than I do Trevy.

Okay...and whats with all the non-competitive sports for the kiddos?! Toby keeps track fact...he makes his daddy write down lists of scores he's made! As long as he has fun I guess...

btw...would you mind if I added a link to your blog? I like to ask first these days...

