Thursday 13 March 2008

False Alarm...

Hiya, Thankfully I think it's now safe to say that the boys are not getting chicken pox! At last we can relax a bit and get back to our 'normal' chaotic life of appointments every five minutes!
Patrick did develop a rash of red spots all over his body that lasted a good few days but I think our GP was right and that it was part of his respiratory infection. He is now over this, he still has a cold but that's typical of Patrick, he is back to his normal happy, noisy self which is great.

Just thought I'd highlight a few comments from Patrick's recent Paediatric Assessment Report:
"Patrick is making progress in his development although at a slow rate. He can hold his head up for a short time and can roll over. He can hold his dummy and put it in his mouth, and can carry on clapping his hands after someone has them for a game of "pat-a-cake". He is very vocal and shows anticipation during feeding and tickling games."
"Patrick looked very well today and is thriving. He had one brief jerk during the session....Patrick's development was as described by his parents. He has mildly increased tone in his limbs with ankle clonus, but a good range of movement at all joints....he has active movements of fingers and toes, and I do not feel he is showing and signs of peripheral neuropathy."
Conclusions - "Patrick has made progress since last June and I was please that he has recovered vision. He is able to show awareness of his surroundings but only for brief periods, and does pay more attention to his own sensations. He is showing skills around a 3 month level."

So, not really anything that we didn't already know but it is nice to get written confirmation that there is definite progress, however small.

And Patrick's not the only one doing well at the moment, Martin went along to Isaac's parents evening on Monday and we're proud to report that he is also thriving, exceeding academically and socially and gaining in confidence. He even pushed someone over in the playground the other day! When questioned about the incident though he explained that the boy had pushed him over first and that he was standing up for himself (a big turning point) they both got a talking to but his teacher said that it is positive that he is learning to defend himself. We are always concerned about how our circumstances affect Isaac and are worried that he might suffer a bit because of the stress at home but his teacher assured us that we have nothing to worry about, and that he is a really great member of the class.

So, we're really proud parents at the moment. Nothing else to report really, as Patrick is better we're taking him to a group therapy session (play/physio therapy) next Tuesday then Julia's House on Thursday so the Diary is already filling up again! We've got a rep from Motability coming to see us tomorrow to demonstrate a Renault Master for us. We desperately need a bigger car that can carry us and all Patrick's gear so fingers crossed that may be sorted soon.

Hope everyone else is doing OK, take care, Love Gemma xx

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