Friday 7 March 2008

Poorly Bunny

Hiya, We're all a bit stressed out at the moment. We're still not able to take Patrick anywhere because of the chicken pox risk. We're still not sure if the boys are gonna get chicken pox but they have both been pretty poorly over the last few days. Isaac woke up with a temperature on Wednesday morning and gradually got worse as the day went on until he threw up his dinner in the evening then Thursday morning was even worse and he couldn't even keep down a cup of water. He got better over the course of the day though and today he's been fine, his usual hyper self. Patrick bless him is having a really bad time of it as from yesterday evening he's had a high temperature and we were up all night with him. He has had terrible chills and woke up a few times really shivvering with cold, although his temperature was 104! He slept a bit but we've not really been able to get his temperature down at all. I took him to see his GP this afternoon and after close inspection we're not convinced he is in the first stages of chicken pox, but he is very chesty and his ears are raging so that is more likely the cause of his fever. He has a few spots here and there that come and go and look more like heat spots than chicken pox. He's been prescribed a course of anti-biotics that will hopefully take the edge off any chest or ear infections and we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed he gets over this quickly. His seizures have been affected, his jerks are a lot stronger than usual so we are monitoring them closely.
As you can imagine we are pretty shattered and the threat of chicken pox has really been quite hard to deal with. I know it's an everyday childhood virus that wouldn't normally be a cause for concern but as we really don't know how anything like that could affect Patrick's epilepsy, waiting for it to hit is a nightmare. It's been 16 days since the boys came into contact with it but we've been told it could take up to 21 days to come to the surface so we've got a few more anxious days left. We had hoped we could get some anti-bodies for Patrick but I found out from the GP that they need to be given within 3 days of first contact with the pox to have any effect so it's too late.

Anyway, enough of that, there's not really anything else to report so I'll leave it there and keep you updated if anything changes.

Lots of Love, Gemma xxx

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