Wednesday 16 April 2008

Meet the Patersons

Well, we finally got to meet the Paterson family who travelled down from Staffordshire to see us over the weekend. I'd met Karen via a website called 'contact a family' that puts you in touch with families in similar circumstances and we instantly hit it off and have been phoning each other regularly for the past few months, it's really nice to be able to have a moan and a laugh with someone who totally understands your frustrations. Anyway, Karen is married to Gordon and they have Ellie who's 4 and little Luke who is 15 months. Luke is very similar to Patrick as he too has severe Epilepsy/Infantile Spasms and developmental delay. And like Patrick he's totally adorable and very snuggable!

It was a really nice weekend, we took the kids to the beach on Saturday and to the holiday park disco in the evening and then went to Christchurch quay for lunch on Sunday, so lots of fresh air and family fun, just what we all needed.

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