Saturday 19 May 2007

My 2 Pence!

Just to add to what Martin said really, the reason for the EEG being put back was purely because no-one had organised it in time for Friday! I think it was a bit of miss-communication among Neurologists, never mind.
Patrick had a stable night, although the little munchkin needs to re-set his body clock as he was awake until 1am! I don't know, there's just no pleasing me, it was only a few days ago I was sat by his bed pleading with him to wake up, last night I was back to pleading with him to go to sleep! When he finally drifted off he snored like a trooper (he's still a bit chesty and I don't suppose the tube down his nose helps) so I had quite a restless night. When I did wake up this morning the nurse told me that Patrick had been awake a few times during the night but just sits quietly looking around so I hadn't noticed. One of the things that concerns me a bit is that I haven't heard him cry since this whole fiasco began. It's not that I want my baby to be upset it's just strange as even the best behaved babies cry sometimes. Another thing that isn't quite right is that although he is able to focus on your face or a toy, he won't hold that focus for more than a couple of seconds, he continuously looks around him. I have voiced my concerns with the Neurologist who isn't too worried as it can take a long time for people to get 'back to normal' after being so poorly. A friend of mine at the hospital has a 3yr old boy in the same ward who was admitted around the same time as Patrick having suffered from a massive seizure himself. When he came round he had totally lost the ability to speak, walk or do anything really, he has had to re-learn all these things again and he is doing really well but is still obviously not right. I guess I'm thankful that Patrick is so young and so hasn't got all these things to re-learn. How well is able to do all these things in the future, only time will tell.

Anyway, Martin is on the day shift so I can spend some time with Isaac and he is nagging me to play 'Guess Who?' with him, I love it, nothing like a game of guess who to take your mind off your troubles!

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